Part of visual description of Nicola's presentation at KÖME's conference on visitor research

It's good to share practice with cultural organisations in other countries. I provide advice and training in visitor studies, evaluation and consultation skills, and copy edit English text for exhibitions and catalogues.

At the KÖME (Kulturális Örökség Menedzserek Egyesülete - Cultural Heritage Managers' Association) conference on visitor research, I gave a presentation and led a workshop about practical ways to find out about our visitors and how to use this in management planning to make the organisation more sustainable.  I have advised the Hungarian National Gallery (Magyar Nemzeti Galleria) about how best to carry out research with visitors, and how best to analyse the data once it is collected.

MLA logo

I am a member of the Kuratórium (board) of Múzeumok és Látogatók Alapítvány (Museums and Visitors Foundation) in Hungary.

For the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum), I have copy edited English text for exhibitions.

presentation in Slovenia

I have delivered evaluation skills training sessions to museum professionals in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia, and advised on developing learning spaces in Hungary. This training provides cost-effective and practical ideas which organisations can use to improve their practice.

For the museum learning handbook "A Múzeumi Tanulás Kézikönyve" published in 2011 by Eötvös Loránd University and the Hungarian Natural History Museum, I wrote the chapter on Learning with Objects.

I have given conference presentations about museum learning for the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage.

Please get in touch for further information about how I can help your organisation.