To Bratislava, and a visit to the Slovakian National Gallery to see (amongst other things) the contemporary art exhibition Iron Applause by artists from central Europe and the Balkans which used to be behind the Iron Curtain.  It is usual, in central Europe, to show appreciation of a performance by clapping slowly and in unison - exactly the opposite of what an English audience would expect to do - hence the phrase Iron Applause.

In Kosovo Albanian culture, parents often name their children after well-respected relatives.  In 1999, many parents named their newborn sons Tonyblair, because of Tony Blair's support for them in the war against Serbia.  So there was a photograph of a dozen Tonyblairs, in front of an image of their namesake.

Iron Applause again in Budapest, at a concert by the internationally-renowned pianist Ádám Fellegi, held in his living room in a flat in a side street not far from the Opera.  He explained, described and played Beethoven's Appassionata, and the applause was indeed slow, in unison, and very enthusiastic.