motor smaller 2

The Elektrotechnikai Múzeum at Kazinczy utca 21, VII. Budapest, explains practical applications of electricity from early developments in the 1860s to the present day. With flashes and bangs, the curator demonstrated the 100,000 volts of Ányoss Jedlik's 1873 cascade capacitor battery. The museum offers practical hands-on sessions for primary and secondary school pupils, to make working electrical equipment from household items, such as a Van der Graaf generator involving a Sprite can.

Here's one you can easily try at home: you need a round magnet, a screw, an AA battery and a length of insulated copper wire. The point of the screw is held against the negative terminal of the battery, by the magnet on the head of the screw. Hold one end of the copper wire on the positive terminal of the battery with your finger, and hold the other end of the wire beside the magnet. This causes the screw and the magnet to rotate with increasing speed.

The workshop about the Inspiring Learning for All Framework, Generic Learning Outcomes and General Social Outcomes for the Múzeumok és Látogatók Alapítván was well received. These methods of measuring the impact of museums' work on individuals and communities can be used to further develop museums' programmes and raise their profile with visitors and funders.